- Haplogroup I called the old-European was founded around 43 thousand years ago probably in Europe or the Middle East. Archaeological traces of haplogroup I genes are present throughout Europe, and the oldest ones date back to about 35,000 years ago. It was not a dominant haplogroup because next to it there were other mutations, eg BT, C, F, G. Until the neolithic population of Haplogroup I was small and there was little mutation. In neolithic it became dominant in Europe in relation to other “native” haplogroups. 10,000 years ago, it could have counted 200,000-300,000 men with a male population in Europe of around 0.5 million. The Old European population led a hunter-gatherer lifestyle, and in the Neolithic gradually changed into a settled – agricultural mode.
- From the Neolithic up to the new age, the I2a2 mutation referred to as the so-called pra-Celtic-Germanic, but a wide area of its occurrence and participation in various ethnos, does not entitle to such a name. The success of the I2a2 mutation in the Bronze Age, especially in Central Europe and the Balkans, may have a connection with agriculture, although another agricultural Haplogroup G for some reason has become extinct.
- About 11,000 years ago, the I2a1b2 mutation called dynarska is formed and its genetic traces are throughout Europe.
- The migration of people R1a and R1b initiated in the Neolithic period does not cause the disappearance of native haplogroup I, and on the contrary it causes its development. This is due to the new model of life – nomadic and large migrations, which also included part of the population I. The genes of the Old European and Asian steppe population are being replaced. In genetic studies for this period “the number of male sires decreases”, although the phenomenon really consists in the survival of stronger genes, and the weaker genes / mutations disappear.
- New mutations of haplogroup I arise, including Dinaric, but we do not have too many traces of them. Most of them could not survive, some were interrupted, but they are currently rare. A few of them have had a huge population success.
- The hierarchical social model taken over from steppe nomads dominates in the Scythian-Sarmatian Europe. Elites with different haplogroups R1a, R1b, I and other less significant genes are formed. This social phenomenon gives an advantage to men with high social and material status and allows the creation of a founding effect, i.e. one man gave birth to the family, and as a result, a population that currently has millions of men.
- The father of the Dinaric family, haplogroup I2a1b2a1a1 Dynaric / Slavic was Skyton, who lived about 3,000 years ago. His great-great … grandsons – DinA, DinB, DinC mutations give rise to three families that currently number around 24 million men.
- A similar success applies to the haplogroup I1, hence I am also referring to the people of the Scythian-Sarmatian population, that it migrated to the west and north, and essentially did not co-create the present Slavic ethnos. Haplogroup I2a2 is not a population success and is now 3 times smaller than Dinaric. Similarly, other I2a like Sardinian and Isles, which are now very small, because they were outside the Scythian / Sarmatian region.
- At the beginning of the Middle Ages, that is after the collapse of the West-Roman Empire, there are social changes in Europe due to the population growth and migration of the Sklavens tribes – Slavs of the present Ukraine region and Belarus and partly Poland (this topic is debatable, but it fits my theory well) . These social changes cause a partial collapse of the Skytian / Sarmatian elites, but the size of the Dinaric population is already so large that it does not die out, but develops further.
- The creation of the DinA, DinB, DinC mutations of the Dinaric haplogroup can be associated with Neures, Farmer Scythians, Royal Scythians, Bastarnaes. On the other hand, the population developed at the beginning of the Middle Ages with Sklavens, White and Red Croats, ie with the region of the northern slopes of the Carpathians, Galicia, up to Volhynia and Polesia. The Dinaric haplogroup also links with the Lusatian Serbs, as well as with the Vandals who immigrated to Africa. The population of the Dinaric haplogroup was also a part of the Wallachian (Vlachs) peoples – Carpathian, Romanian and Moldovan.
- The region near the Carpathian of southern Poland and western Ukraine – Galicia was described as “Chrobacja” (Croatia) in the period from the 10th century. This name was used even until the 19th century. For some reason, the inhabitants of these regions differed in relation to other Slavs, such as Polans and Mazurs. This can be associated with a large share of the Dinaric haplogroup (possibly up to 50% as it is now in Bosnia and Croatia), co-creating a slightly different Slavic ethnos.
- I have no grounds to associate the Dinaric haplogroup with Veneds. I think that is more possible the significant contribution of the haplogroup I2a2 and I1 to the ethnos of the Veneds, which I also include in proto- or pre-Slavs.
- The Dinaric haplogroup was and is part of the ethnos of the Slavs. I have no doubt here. Together with the Slavs, haplogroup R1a participated in the migration to the Balkans, but also to the west (Poland, the Czech Republic) and north-east to the areas of present Russia. The migration from one area indicates the current territorial distribution of this haplogroup and the presence of almost all Slavic Europe, all mutations of this haplogroup, formed before the 6th century AD.
- The local mutations of the Dinaric haplogroup specific to the regions, present countries and nations could only be created around the 8th century CE and later. Unfortunately, there are no detailed DNA results for such late mutations in a number that gives grounds for drawing conclusions.
- Currently, it has about 24 million men, and the largest number of them live in Russia, Ukraine and Romania. There is about one million in Poland.
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