DinC, subclade Z17855

I2a-Dinaric     DinA    DinB    DinC Z17855


  • DinC1 (A1221)   70%   ~2 mln   400/450 CE     Bulgaria, Moldova, Poland, Albania, Ukraine
  • DinC2 (A16413)  15%  ~0,4 mln       Serbia, Ukraine
  • DinCx (PH3414)  15%  ~0,4 mln      Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia

The haplogroup DinC (Z17855) is the smallest haplogroup of about 3 million men dominated by the population of Romania, in a smaller number of Ukraine, Russia and Bulgaria.

It can be described as Black Sea population. DinC1 is the dominant subclade – about 2/3 of the DinC population. The mutation was made late because around 400 AD (100BC-850CE) the remaining mutations are small below 0.5 million.


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